@SeaBreeze you are confusing information as we understand it (bits and bytes, words etc) with what information actually is - energy.
Energy doesn't have to be organized (think of a controlled explosion) to create something that is (what we perceive to be) useful. Energy is only useful, because we believe it is useful, but the Universe doesn't know, not even an ant really cares, what we think is useful.
We only know we are here because we can perceive these things, not the other way around, causation only goes in one direction, yes you can rewind, but not without knowing the state of the entire universe(s) at any point in time and thus our state being outside these universe(s).
Once you understand that any 'god' would have to be outside this universe, would you understand the impossibility of a 'god' as a generator of energy. We know this as this 'god' that creates the energy (or information, whatever you'd like to call it) would have to obey the laws of this universe once it enters into it to affect it, and thus becomes a part of the causality, that is what it means to collapse the waveform after all since you cannot interact with the waveform without collapsing it.
It's a bit hard to understand if you are primed to see a god in all this, but basically, a god with a destined goal would violate the laws of thermodynamics to generate the universe as no energy/information can be generated, only transformed and our Universe really does add up to zero energy, which is very simplistically implied by Newton's 3rd law.
Say we take your god-person and he conforms to Newton's laws, then where did that god-person get or create the energy to begin with? At least with a zero-sum Universe where every action has an equal and opposite reaction, you don't need to explain the god-person at all, he's just a zero-sum added complexity.
PS: I do know that Newton's Third Law doesn't exactly apply at these scales, but is a simplified case of Einstein's theories on relativity.